Friday, January 26, 2007



Sunday, January 21, 2007

Neal Armour

"Of manners gentle, of affections mild!
In wit a man, simplicity a child."

Danna Jeannine Arnett

"She's a musician, scholar too;
She plans to shine in whatever she'll do."

Runell Asbury

"Beauty and wisdom and friends galore,
Personality and kindness:
Could you ask for more?"

Doris Faye Bagwell

"And as the bright sun glorifies the sky,
So is her face illumin'd with her eye."

Ginny Barber

" Who speaks truth,
Stabs falsehood to the heart."

Gerald Belcher

"In all labor there is profit."

Zelma Frances Belk

"Whate'er you think, whate'er you do,
Whate'er you purpose or pursue,
It may be small, but must be true."

Chalma Larue Boyd - Deceased

"Laughable, jolly and on the beam.
She's also cheerleader of our team."

Anne Calhoun

"Witty, lively and full of fun.
A good friend and also a true one."

William Thomas Carter ** BGHS Hall of Honor Inductee

"A great nation is made only by worthy citizens."

Sandra Caruthers

"Generally speaking...
She is generally speaking."

Evelyn Chambers - Deceased

"The very flower of youth."

Marie Cole - Deceased

"Sober, steadfast and demure."

Saturday, January 20, 2007

James David Cook - Deceased

"A light heart lives long."

Norris Eugene Cooper - Deceased

"He is the wisest man who keeps the heart of a boy."

Randall R. Cummings - Deceased

"Oh, this learning. What a thing it is!"

Carlene Davis

"I hate nobody; I am in charity with the world."

Jerry P. Deweese - Deceased

"He works with colors and an artist's pen,
For art is his talent, a virtue in men."

Anne Dickey

"Politeness is to do and say,
the kindest thing in the kindest way."

Larry Doughty **BGHS Hall of Honor Inductee

"A day for toil, and an hour for sport,

But for a friend is life too short."

Leon Doyle

"A wise man knows everything;
A shrewd one...everybody."

Dorothy Lou Dukes **BGHS Hall of Honor Inductee - Deceased

"It is good to put a bother away over night;

It all straightens out in the morning."

Tom Easley

"The true standard of quality is seated in the mind;
Those who think nobly are noble."

Carolyn Jo Eatherly

"I would be friends with you and have your love."

Steve Ecton

"He has mastered all points,
Who has combined the useful with the agreeable."

Elmer Benton England

"Silence is one great art of conversation."

Quenitta Eston

"The music that can deepest reach, and cure all ill,
is cordial speech

Norma Jean Flora - Deceased

"As merry as the day is long."

Carroll Furlong

"Music and women cannot but give way to,
Whatever my business is."

Lauvonne Garrett

"Every natural action is graceful."

Jill Gentry

"With a smile that was childlike and bland."

Marvin Gibson - Deceased

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose."

Doris Ann Glass

"A peace above all earthly dignities,
a still and quiet conscience."

Leo Harbin - Deceased

"His words were simple words enough,
And yet he used them so that what in other mouths was rough,
In his seemed musical and low."

J. Blakey Hayes

"The reward of a thing well done,
is to have done it."

Janis Lyn Hendrix

"None knew thee but to love thee,
Nor named thee but to praise."

Billy A. Hewitt - Deceased

"He knew what ever's to be known,
but much more than he knew would own."

Nancy Elaine Holland - Deceased

"You're my friend...
What a thing friendship is, world without end."

James Danny Hunt - Deceased

"Friendship is better than wealth."

Budd Jones - Deceased

"A man not of words but of action."

Virginia Kirby

"There is no greater delight
than to be conscious of sincerity."

Marilyn Faye Kirby

"She is a woman, therefore may be woo'd;
She is a woman, therefore may be won."

Jerry Kieffer

The fortunes of men of spirit may be ruined,
but not their courage."

Hal Kitchens - Deceased

"Ask him to do something for you,
and watch him do it well."

Freddie Lancaster - Deceased

"Rare compound of oddity, frolic, and fun,
who relished a joke and rejoiced in a pun."

Billy Joe Lawing - Deceased

"A smoother dresser cannot be found;
in fact, he's known as a man about town."